Chapter 9 - Demons

Ever have a conversation with a demon?  Well, no one really does.  The reason for that is that to have  a conversation with anyone you must be able to receive credible information from which you base your replies or statements on.  However, demons being demons, they never tell the truth.  Their only goal is to stay alive and their only way to do that is by lying to you.

They call Satan the prince of lies.  Why is he like that?  I really do not know.  But when you encounter him it is not only scary but also educational.  He actually does not lie all the time.  The reason for that is so he can make you offers.  Now the offers are true, and they are basically bribes.  But Satan’s bribes come with a high cost.  The only way to ignore them is with a firm faith that God’s deals are better.

 Now demons do not show themselves quite as easily as angels do.  Angels are sometimes extroverts and jump out of the scenery of life quite easily to show their presence.  However demons will only give you maybe a quick glance or a small motion.  You must base your entire judgement of the situation just on that little tidbit.  Of course there are also invisible demons that never show anything.  You become alerted to their presence purely by your own powers from Christ.

 I clear areas of demons quite a bit.  When I do so I can hear the demons screaming in agony and fighting back, as I pull them out of the backdrop of life and pull them out of their human hosts and they absolutely hate it.  So they scream and wail and some of them try to cut deals.  But when you are a powerful angel none of it seems to matter.  They get drained back to hell nonetheless.

 Some of you might notice how there is no chapter for “Satan” in this book or “Jesus”.  Well, there is a reason for that.  While I speak with both of them, I do not necessarily discuss things with them on a regular basis.  You see, each of them is below God Himself.  So why would I speak to anyone but him?  He is the one setting up the orders.  He is the one I am working for.  Sure, Jesus has his place.  And I can kick around Satan as much as I want.  But if I want to know what to do, and what demons to destroy, I need to talk to the general, and that is God Himself.

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