Chapter 7 - The Road

It is a war out there.

When I drive, there are cars trying to kill me, and there are cars trying to help me. I used to think I could tell the difference between the two by the color of the cars, but now I am not so sure.

As I spoke of earlier, demons and angels influence humans, and sometimes take on human appearance. This is no better exemplified than in the dangerous situation that awaits all good people on the roads.

Yes, I fire missiles at other cars. Yes, I have an angel team surrounding my car at all times. But folks, these are necessary actions. I am literally in enormous danger every time I drive somewhere.

Have you ever noticed how sometimes cars just seem to appear? Sometimes causing accidents in the first few seconds that you see them? I ask that next time you see a car just just in front of you, ask God for help with dealing with them. I believe you will see that the car is most likely sent there just to cause you trouble or even worse, to kill you.

The most dangerous place for me in this world is the road. I have been the target of enemy vehicles hundreds of times, barely escaping with my life. I know that when I am on the road, I am typically visible, except in certain times. So I must be careful with my driving at times, but I know that at other times I pass through other types of matter, aka beings and other cars.

People are always wondering how happenstance occurs. Well, there is no such thing as happenstance, and the road is one of the biggest examples. That wreck on the side of the road was always going to happen. That cop who got shot was going to get shot. None of this stuff is left up to question.

I would say that the minute I leave the protection of my house I am under surveillance by the enemy agents. Now professionals love to call this kind of thinking paranoia, but reality is reality. I see a better and more accurate reality than almost everyone on earth. The protection I am granted on the road is testament to that. Accidents that might destroy the humanity of some souls usually dodges me, or it has so far. But I do not really know if I am going to meet my physical end on the road. I just know that I must put out every bit of effort I can to stay alive while driving.

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