Chapter 4 - Telepathy

So, the question of telepathy comes up. Yes, of course I can do it. Yes, I can hack your mind. No, you would not have the slightest idea of what is happening.

Years ago, when I was a kid, I remember playing a game of football in the street outside a friend’s house. I had the opportunity to play quarterback. As I would go through the motions of throwing the ball and handing it off, I would actively ask God to give me the skill of my good friend Peyton Manning. Peyton was my best friend in fifth grade. Suddenly I could throw like him, and I could come up with great plays like him. Was I surprised? Sure. Was that the last time I did something like that? No way.

When me and my family would gather to watch great sporting events, I would actively hack the minds of those playing. Maybe I would dull down their defense. Maybe I would make that offensive player a little sharper in the way he would shoot. But whatever it was, I would not have proof of the outcome, but I was well aware it was happening.

You see, when you hack someone’s mind, you get varying results. Sometimes the results are obvious and incredible. Sometimes there is nothing to see at all. But that still does not erase the fact that you did it.

Being a hacker angel is not only intensely satisfying and interesting, but it is also a lot of fun, and hacking into the minds of terrorists and abortionists is extremely important. I spend lots of time each day convincing these guys to take up other pursuits. I spend lots of time making sure that if they do not change their ways, then they are on the next trip to hell. Is this bad? No, no way. Why? The judgement of their actions does not come from me, it comes from God. His judgement is perfect.

So the next time you think you need a little edge on something, in your hacking, just jump into someone’s mind to get the job done. Let’s face it folks, we are in all out warfare on this planet, and the hacker angels need to make sure that the good guys win.

Now, here is the most important thing to remember when it comes to telepathy. You cannot misuse it. When you do misuse it, you get punished. When you use it properly, you get rewarded. And when you get rewarded what you want to do is do it even more.

Keep in mind I am not talking about telekineses. As far as I know I have no power of telekineses in the slightest outside of God moving things in order to complete what I have submitted in the form of prayer. He may change paths of certain people or things, but I never have knowledge of it and I definitely never see it myself in person.

Telepathy has been around forever, but most people in today’s world seem not to believe it. If they do believe it and express that to others, they are usually locked up in a mental hospital or a jail. Thankfully I have not been stuck in that situation for any amount of time, but who knows, it may happen again.

The really hard thing to deal with is that you find yourself wanting to swing the odds of some things in your favor through the art of telepathy. I have found myself traying to screw up the minds of other poker players or sports athletes, so that I may benefit financially. However at this age I seem to do it less and less because there is a feel of blowback I kind of get from that effort. I think now that God has no desire to let me use those powers for any kind of financial benefit.

Kids seem to have a different type of telepathy than adults. Maybe this is because of the formation of their brain. Maybe this is because of genes. But obviously if you are trying to get through to one type of person, that effort might draw different results than someone else.

I also believe in telekineses. However telekinesis is a different animal. So far if there are any widespread stories of telekinesis then they are heavily covered over by the media. But keep in mind, I do not discount the possibility of telekineses. Granted, I do not believe I have any ability to work with it in this world, but I have some time left. Maybe I will pick it up one of these days.

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