Chapter 2 - Catholicism and Dad

As I write this chapter I am actually watching The Passion Of The Christ for the first time.  Talk about timing, huh?

 I grew up Catholic, and to a great degree I always will be Catholic.  However I believe the church to have many faults, hence it is obviously not a holy instittution.  It is more of a spiritually themed business.  I am quite sure many priests and nuns have shred the vows over the years, if not for any other reason but because they are human and not superhuman.

 My perspective on life stems from many places.  I have lived in two cities, New Orleans and Sacramento California.  I can with most certainty claim that both of them are bad places to live.  However, I enjoy being around my parents and so does my wife and daughter.  Plus we also love my wife’s parents who live nearby.  We have somewhat become their anchors to life, to put it simply.  In other words, we are the kids who live in town.  Hence responsibility for their welfare is ours.

 My father is quite an amazing guy.  Valedictorian of his high school, four degrees, very dedicated to God and Jesus.  He works many ministry efforts, but is not a deacon or priest.  Frankly, I think he is amazing, and one of these days I will hopefully figure out why I was so privledged to be his firstborn son.  I have two younger brothers.

 My family is not only a lot of fun, but incredibly intelligent.  Their faith varies from person to person, but somehow we all get along well.  Do we move forward spiritually?  Well, I guess God would have to explain that to you directly.

 My father does not believe in any of what I do.  He sees how it could be possible, but in his view if it were real he would be able to see it, but he does not.  He is also a daily communican, and thinks that if I were a devoted Catholic then I would make it to mass more than a few times a year.  I suppose there is some logic to his thinking, but I must do what I must do.  I must stay relaxed and happy and joyful about life.  Mass is nice, and it works great for a lot of people, but I have seen and done it before.  There is no reason to backtrack.

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